Saturday, December 20, 2008

What Should We Spend Our Time Doing?

I have a friend who seems to worry constantly about what the UM church is going to do with regards to the homosexual agenda. I know others who are very concerned about a “fairness doctrine” as it relates to talk radio programming. Another is very concerned about immigration enforcement. Still others are concerned about whether we should be able to pray in schools or post The Ten Commandments in public places and about those who wish to post atheistic statements alongside Christmas decorations. There are many who are very concerned about holiday greetings versus Christmas greetings.

As a Christian leader, there seem to be so many things that vie for my time, energies, and general leadership capital. There are sermons to prepare and preach, Bible studies to prepare and share, staff to lead, finances to manage, etc. There is the Discipleship plan for our ministries to be considered and implemented. There are connectional leadership opportunities. I sit on the Board of Directors of a wonderful senior living community. There are continuing educational pursuits, the investment back into the lives of those who are still in the academy preparing for pastoral ministry. We are working on a capital campaign and a building program.

Then there are social issues of justice such as: advocacy relating to capital punishment, the aching needs of immigrant communities all around us, runaway drug addiction, domestic abuse, teenage pregnancies, etc.

Sometimes I feel that there either are, or should be, a kind of prioritization of opportunities and issues for me to concentrate on so that I don’t become “a mile wide and an inch deep.” At other times, I wonder if by being a pastor, I simply cannot remain silent on particular issues regardless of how demanding my other ministry responsibilities may be.

I wonder a lot about what issues are truly the ministry responsibilities of Christians in general and of Church leaders specifically. What can we simply not ignore without being negligent? Thoughts?

1 Response to What Should We Spend Our Time Doing?

December 20, 2008 at 11:41 AM

Salt and Light seem to be the question. To what degree are we salt and to what degree are we light? If we do nothing about the social issues of our day, are we really in the mind of world distinguishing ourselves as different? The issue is how do we distinguish ourselves as different. Do we do it in an attitude of judgement? If we are calling the church on the carpet, then scripturally, we are to hold them accountable. If however, we are dealing with the world, it should be in an attitude of redemption and love. The problem is that we have reversed those actions. To the world we have been judgemental, and to the church we have been loving. The social issues of our day are the ones that were considered sin during the time of Christ. What has changed is our ability to rationalize it and rename sin as a social issue. Maybe we should ask ourselves how do we confront the sin of society when the worlds doesn't see it as sin? As salt we need to preserve righteousness, as light we are to illuminate the darkness and show the way. Are we being salt when we are quiet? Are we hidding our light when we stand silent? Just a thought.